Learn everything you need to know to make money by teaching your skills - from deciding what to teach to creating your first lessons. Learn different launching techniques and selling your online course.
Online learning has gained popularity specially during the pandemic. It is definitely here to stay. Filipinos have also discovered that they can easily earn money from home and they want to learn new skills. This is why they need you!
Teaching allows you to share your knowledge about subjects that interest and inspire you.
You're helping others pursue their dreams while earning at the same time. Win-win indeed!
There are many ways to teach online. You can conduct your lessons on private Facebook group, create an exclusive Viber community, give them access to your Youtube private videos, or you can implement a hybrid approach to your online lessons.
As long as they have access to internet, they are your potential customer. Online learning is the best business model for digital entrepreneurs.
Chances are, you already have everything you need to teach your skills online - internet and laptop. Right? There are many tools, systems, and equipments that can make your online course 'fancy' but in this business, content is king.
You can work anytime or any place you want to be. You get to choose when and where to conduct your lessons. You can even record your classes before-hand and make your course evergreen. A true passive income business.
Everything can be taught but deciding a topic can be overwhelming. In this webinar, you'll learn how to select your topic to make sure you can capture your right audience.
No idea what to teach? No worries! In this masterclass, I'll teach you how to go from "no idea" to a profitable, automated, online business.
After finishing Part 1, you'll know the 3 mistakes to avoid, the 2 sweet spots where you want to be, the 5 market must-haves, and how to create your own skill and knowledge inventory list to find the topic that best suits you.
From creating lessons on Facebook group to conducting live Youtube tutorials, there are many ways to conduct your lessons that suits your personality. Are you an introvert who hates doing videos and showing your face? No fret, there is a path of least resistance and you don't need to force yourself to be 'visible' to earn lots of money!
We will go through a complete 7-Step process on how you can productize your productize your skills. From creating an offer grid to creating your sales messaging. From naming your course to how to create a course outline. You will also learn how to do opt-ins and ways to launch your course!
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